
Showing posts with the label Gold

Gold Chain: Symbol of Status, Tradition and Style.

Gold Chain: Symbol of Status, Tradition and Style   Introduction:   Gold Chain has captivated the human imagination for centuries.  Its dazzling luster, rarity and enduring value have made it a cherished metal throughout history.  Among the many forms in which gold is crafted and worn, the gold chain stands out as an exquisite accessory that holds deep cultural significance.  Beyond their aesthetic appeal, gold chains serve as symbols of status, tradition and style, reflecting the personality and cultural heritage of the wearer.  In this essay, we will explore the historical context, cultural significance, and emerging fashion trends associated with gold chains. Link To Buy   Historical context:   The attraction towards Gold Chain dates back to ancient civilizations.  From the Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans, gold was revered as a symbol of wealth, power, and connection to the divine.  In these early societies, gold chain...

Buy Silver At $23.279

Buy Silver At $23.279 Buy Silver At $23.279 Target is $24.179 Stop-loss is $22.735. Advertisement Singapore Soap Click the link below to join Candle Making Classes : Click the link below to purchase or join Candle Making Classes :-

Buy Natural Gas For Expectation Of $4.040

Buy Natural Gas Expecting To Reach $4904. Target.  Natural Gas is down 52% and is expecting to move upwards.  Europe is starting to have mild temperature.  Best time to visit Europe.  From December,  Winter will start in full swing. 

Today State Bank Of India Shares will Be heading to GO Up, Buy now and gain it

  Today State Bank Of India Shares will Be heading to GO Up, Buy now and gain it Right now today i will be investing in SBI Bank shares, as it has fallen up to 5% nearby.  Buy Gold Coins Now For Retirement The reason for this fallen episode is that, Moody has downgraded this bank, so people started selling it. This is the first time in history of the Bank, that the Bank is going to be in profit zone.    _______________________________________________________ Trade With Them & Earn Good Profit With +500 Website From Home Link to Plus500 website for CPA plan ________________________________________________________           SBI is the old bank and it will be moving to the price range of Rs. 250 - Rs. 254 range, within a couple of months.  For Day Trading, i'm preferring to trade in SBI shares and i will give you the report in the evening.  Today i have short Bharti Infratel at Rs. 208.85...

Gold and Silver Will Move Up

Gold And Silver Will Move Up: - USA, British, France strike about 100 missiles in a mission to curb usage of Chemical weapons by Assad govt. Meanwhile Putin is trying to curb all illegal activities inside Syria. Why Syria ??? Syria is the place where cement, steel, phosphates, crude oil are in plenty. To tap the resources, every western country is planning to enter and get More profit out of it. Who will be benefitting ???? US companies, British companies, French companies will be benefitting. Who is creating war??? Newspaper or Media groups of western countries are creating war.

Aboutme.SubinFinance – Gold Will Reach USD $1200 Next Week

Aboutme.SubinFinance Aboutme.Finance Gold is very optimistic this week and a strong rally took it above US$ 1140/Troy Ounce due to pessimism in the United States market.  The gain is above 5% and market has hit a six-week long run. This rally seems to be quite close that Gold will be reaching the US$1200/Troy ounce and will be stabilizing there. Then in September, Federal Reserve will be increasing the interest rate to about 0.25% and will change the course of Gold and other metals. So please take the profit and don’t stay there. One day it will destroy your valuable investment. Housing sector is improving, Wages are increasing, Inflation is slightly down and demand too is moving ahead gives more chances of United States increasing the interest rate. Apart from that, world economy is moving to decrease the interest rate and United States stands firm to increase it. This will help United States as people are interested to invest in this country and this investmen...

Aboutme.SubinFinance - Jobless Claims High In USA

Jobless Claims High In United States The claims for new jobs are creeping up in United States last week and solid market momentum is taking place in labor market as Federal Reserve is on the path of increasing the interest rate. Unemployment forms submitted increased to about 4000 which is adjusted to 277,000 for the week ending August 15 th , said the Labor Department (USA). Revised data shows that 1000 fewer application were received and last week it’s claiming to see a lesser claims about 272,000. Due to this United States Dollar dipped against the basket of currencies. Gold remain bullish till September, but don’t remain investing and pull-out when you gain profit. Stock Index futures of United States dipped after the release of data. Federal Reserve is getting very good signal from the labor market, but can improve faster, but inflation is low and global economy is weak for increasing interest rate. This labor data shown for the last week shows that labor c...

Aboutme.SubinFinance - Buy A House In USA and Gain Profit

Aboutme.SubinFinance – Now Buy a House in United States, Will Gain Profit United States commerce department confirmed that there was demand of houses increased to about 1.206 million and the target estimated was 1.190 million. This is considered to be highest since October 2007. This will surely support the call for interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve.   The report has confirmed that the number of permits issued for constructing building has come down to 16.3% last month.  But the expectation is that it will be tumbling by about 8%. This makes the United Stocks to fall and United States Dollar made the hue-cry against all the six currencies of the basket. Dow Jones rendered a loss of about 0.35%. S & P future too lost 0.30% and NASDAQ dipped more than 30% respectively. Gold, Silver, Crude and Copper has fallen due to this appreciation. Gold Gold hit the low today and hitting more low due to immense pressure of United States Dollar to increase.  G...

Aboutme.SubinFinance - United States Sentiment Down

Aboutme.SubinFinance Aboutme.Finance Get Google Apps & Make Money With Me[referral link]: GOLD The prices of Gold gained as investors started buying due to market volatility on growth prospects of the region. Japan’s second quarter fell 0.4%, less than the target of expectation about 5%. Gold has rose 0.22% to US$ 1115.20 in New York Merchantile Exchange.  Silver, too has gained about 0.11% to US$ 15.230/troy ounce. In the metal section, September Copper delivery has fallen to 0.80% to $ 2.324 a pound. This is due to concern that expectation of oversupply and slowing demand due to Chinese market slackness. China is only country who has an annual demand of about 40% of copper in the world market.   Friday, Gold got the beating because USA economic reports shows producer prices were higher for the third straight month in July and factory output increased at the faster rate in the last eight months. United states consumer se...

Endi About.Me.subinFinance- Nega Buy Gold va Silver ??? "Gold" u buni amalga oshiradi, barcha valyutalarga nisbatan avtomatik ravishda yangi High yo'l qiladi yagona Ayirboshlash yilda a'lo xolos agar. "Gold" David Cameron Rossiya haqida ibtidoiy bayonot 2015 yilda barcha valyutalarga nisbatan 2011 yuksak sindirish ketadi. "Rossiya xalqaro tizimining bir qismi bo'lishi uchun mos emas". Bu Rossiya G'arb mamlakatlari chirigan tizimi ancha yaxshi bo'ladi noyob tizimiga ega bo'lgan degan ma'noni anglatadi. Agar Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari bilan Rossiya taqqoslash olsang United States Oxirgi 50 yil, yoki shunchaki yilda profitsit joriy hisob hech qachon Holbuki, Rossiya $ 70 milliard AQSh ijobiy saldosi joriy hisob ega bo'ladi. Rossiyaning Qarz / yalpi ichki mahsulot 105% dan ortiq bo'ldi Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari esa faqat 14% hisoblanadi. Rossiyaning Forex rezerv AQSh $ 400 milliard, deb qabul va Rossiya qarzni xizmat kelgusi yillarda AQSh, Ro...

About.Me.subinFinance- Zakaj kupiti zlato in srebro zdaj ??? "Gold", če je to cena v enotni valuti, ki omogoča pot do New visoke avtomatično proti vsem valutam, da bo uspelo. "Gold", se dogaja, da bi prekinil najvišjo vrednost 2011 zoper vse valute v letu 2015. David Cameron je podal osnovno izjavo o Rusiji. "Rusija ni fit, da so del mednarodnega sistema". To pomeni, da Rusija je ob edinstven sistem, ki je veliko boljši od gnilega sistema zahodnih državah. Če ste vzeli primerjavo Rusije z Združenimi državami Amerike, Rusija je ob pozitivni presežek na tekočem računu v US $ 70 milijard ker so Združene države Amerike nikoli imeli presežek tekočega računa v zadnjih 50 letih ali tako. Rusije dolg / BDP se šteje, da je le 14%, medtem ko ZDA je več kot 105%. Forex Reserve Rusije se šteje, da je US $ 400 milijard in Dolg Service vsega ruskega dolga je US $ 100 milijard v letu 2015. Torej ni pritiska za Rusijo v prihodnjih letih in da imajo dovolj sredstev in ljudi, ki trdo delati. Tudi v re...

About.Me.subinFinance- Kenapa Beli Emas Dan Perak Sekarang ??? "Gold" jika ia berharga di mata wang tunggal yang membuat perjalanan ke tinggi baru secara automatik terhadap semua mata wang itu akan membuatnya. "Emas" akan memecahkan tinggi 2011 berbanding mata wang pada tahun 2015. David Cameron membuat kenyataan asas mengenai Rusia. "Rusia tidak sesuai untuk menjadi sebahagian daripada Sistem Antarabangsa". Ini bermakna Rusia mempunyai sistem yang unik yang jauh lebih baik daripada sistem busuk daripada negara-negara barat. Jika anda mengambil perbandingan Rusia dengan Amerika Syarikat, Rusia mempunyai Akaun positif lebihan semasa sebanyak AS $ 70 Bilion manakala Amerika Syarikat tidak pernah mempunyai Akaun Lebihan semasa dalam tempoh 50 tahun yang lalu. Hutang Rusia / KDNK dianggap hanya 14% manakala Amerika Syarikat itu lebih 105%. Forex Rizab Rusia dianggap US $ 400 Bilion dan Khidmat Hutang semua Hutang Rusia adalah US $ 100 Billion pada tahun 2015. Oleh itu, tidak ada tekanan unt...

Енді неге сатып алтын және күміс About.Me.subinFinance- ??? «Алтын», ол ол жасайды барлық валюталарға қатысты автоматты түрде жаңа жоғары жол құрайды бірыңғай валютасына бағаланған болса. «Алтын» Ресей туралы қарапайым мәлімдеме жасады 2015 Дэвид Кэмеронға жылы барлық валюталарға қатысты 2011 жоғары сынған жиналады. «Ресей халықаралық жүйесін бөлігі болуы жарамды емес». Бұл Ресей батыс елдерінің шірік жүйесіне қарағанда әлдеқайда жақсы бірегей жүйесі бар білдіреді. Сіз Америка Құрама Штаттарының Ресей салыстыру қабылдауға Егер Америка Құрама Штаттары соңғы 50 жыл немесе, сондықтан бір артық Ағымдағы шотты ешқашан, ал Ресей АҚШ оң профициті ағымдағы шотты $ 70 млрд бар. Ресейдің Борыш / ЖІӨ, ол 105% -дан астам Құрама Штаттары, ал жай ғана 14% болып саналады. Ресейдің Forex қорығы $ 400 млрд АҚШ болып саналады және барлық ресейлік Берешек борыштық қызмет алдағы жылдары Ресей Сондықтан ешқандай қысым 2015 жылы $ 100 млрд АҚШ долларын құрайды және олар қатты жұмыс істеу үшін жеткілікті ресурстары мен адам бар. Тіпті ...

About.Me.subinFinance- Hvers vegna Kaupa Gull og Silfur Nú ??? "Gold" ef það er verð á einum gjaldmiðli sem gerir leið til New High sjálfkrafa gegn öllum gjaldmiðlum það mun gera það. "Gold" er að fara að brjóta hár af 2011 gegn öllum gjaldmiðlum árið 2015. David Cameron gerði rudimentary yfirlýsingu um Rússland. "Rússland er ekki hæf til að vera hluti af International System". Það þýðir Rússland er að hafa einstakt kerfi sem er mun betri en Rotten kerfi á Vesturlöndum. Ef þú tekur samanburð Rússlands með United States of America, Rússland er að hafa jákvæð afgangur viðskiptareikning á US $ 70 milljarða en United States hafði aldrei afgangur viðskiptareikning í síðustu 50 ár eða svo. Skuld Rússlands / VLF er talin vera bara 14% en Bandaríkin það er yfir 105%. Rússland Fremri Reserve er talinn vera US $ 400 milljarða og greiðslubyrði allra rússneska Skuld er US $ 100 milljarðar árið 2015. Svo pressu fyrir Rússland á næstu árum og þeir hafa nóg fjármagn og fólk til að vinna hörðum höndum....

About.Me.Finance- Warum kaufen Gold-und Silber nun ??? "Gold", wenn es in Einheitswährung, die den Weg zu neuen Hoch automatisch gegen alle Währungen wird es schaffen macht günstig. "Gold" wird den hohen Jahr 2011 gegenüber sämtlichen Währungen im Jahr 2015. David Cameron hat eine rudimentäre Aussage über Russland zu brechen. "Russland ist nicht fit, um Teil eines internationalen Systems sein." Das bedeutet, dass Russland ist mit dem einzigartigen System, das weit besser als die faulen System der westlichen Länder ist. Wenn Sie den Vergleich von Russland mit USA zu nehmen, ist Russland mit einem positiven Überschussleistungsbilanz von US $ 70 Milliarden in der Erwägung, USA hatten nie ein Surplus Leistungsbilanz in den letzten 50 Jahren oder so. Russlands Debt / BIP wird als nur 14%, während die Vereinigten Staaten, es ist mehr als 105% betragen. Russlands Forex Reserve gilt als sein US $ 400 Milliarden und damit verbundene aller russischen Schulden sind US $ 100 Milliarden im Jahr 20... Bumili ng Gold at Silver para sa Profit

Ay nagkakaroon ng Hari World News sa isang tabing apoy chat sa Billionaire Frank Giustra tungkol sa mga sitwasyon na "Silver" ay umabot sa US $ 500 at "Gold" umabot sa US $ 10,000. Dito sa Switzerland, isang bagay na amazing ang nangyayari ngayon. Sila ay dumating sa labas ng "Gold" inisyatiba kung saan tinalakay namin ang mga blog bago dahil ito ay gumawa ng Swiss Franc marami strong. Kaya, ito ay magkakaroon ng masamang epekto sa ekonomiya ie, dahil sa malakas na tao currency ay mawawala ang Job. Ang Swiss Franc ay appreciating at darating na malapit sa 1.20 peg sa Euro. Ang Finance Minister takot na ito ay break sa sabitan, kaya sila ay pinasimulan Rate ng Interes 0.25% Negatibong. Bukod sa na sila ay nagsimula pagbili ng masyadong walang limitasyong dami ng Euros. Switzerland ngayon ay inabandunang Swiss Franc at sumali Euro at buong European Economy ay pinamamahalaan mula sa Brussels. Swiss Ekonomiya ay mas malakas kaysa sa iba pang European kab...

About.Me.Finance- Zašto Kupi zlato i srebro sada ???

"Zlatna" ako se po cijeni u jedinstvenu valutu koja čini put za novi visoki automatski protiv svih valuta će uspeti. "Zlatna" će se slomiti visoke 2011. godine protiv svih valuta u godini 2015. David Cameron je rudimentarno izjavu o Rusiji. "Rusija se ne uklapaju biti dio međunarodnog sistema". To znači da Rusija ima jedinstveni sistem koji je daleko bolje nego truli sistem zapadnih zemalja. Ako uzmete poređenje Rusija sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Rusiji ima pozitivan suficit tekućeg računa u vrijednosti US $ 70 milijardi, dok Sjedinjene Države nikad imala suficit tekućeg računa u zadnjih 50 godina i je tako. Rusija je duga / BDP-a smatra da je samo 14%, dok Sjedinjene Države da je gotovo 105%. Rusije Forex Reserve se smatra $ 400 milijardi duga i servis svih ruskog duga je oko 100 milijardi dolara u 2015. Dakle, nema pritiska za Rusiju u godinama koje dolaze i oni imaju dovoljno sredstava i ljude da rade naporno. Čak iu recesiji, Rusiji pre...