
Showing posts with the label Mohd. Zafrulla Khan

Janata Dal (S) is Splitting To Support BJP

Janata Dal (S) is Splitting to Support BJP : Janata Dal (S) is Splitting under the ruined leader ship of Deva Gowda is Splitting. The reason behind is that A Leader can't do 2 mistakes. First, at the time of Deva Gowda Prime-Ministership Congress made them rule for just 6 months and made the Govt to fell down. Second time, it is the Wife of Rajiv Gandhi who has come with the support. Before election, the whole Congress was supporting his son. Now how did they come to support Deva Gowda. The Janata Dal (S) under the National leadership of Mohd. Zafrulla Khan, Mohd Harris, Joseph with 12 members are planning to join BJP. This move will give the party more majority and the Whole Karnataka will be ruled by people, who are at the Centre and benefitting from all the projects. Thanks a lot and best wishes for Karnataka people as they moved and curbed corruption. The prominence of Deva Gowda is gone, let him resign and others take his seat for the well-being of Karnataka pe...