
Showing posts with the label Did'nt work exactly

Aboutme.SubinFashion - Don't Criticize Frank O' Connors

Don't Criticize Frank O' Connors - Halo 5 Halo 5 's campaign didn't exactly work for me, this much I've written . Not in snobbery. I don't hate popular done-over-and-over-again things in principle, any more than I hate baseball, chess, or the Tour de France. As Stephen King put it in his National Book Awards acceptance speech , you "don't get social or academic brownie points for deliberately staying out of touch with your own culture." But popular doesn't entail safe, and Halo 5 's story, despite what I'm sure comprises an unfathomable amount of developmental work, feels too much like kicking back in the easy chair and putting your feet by the fire. Characters end the game as they began it. Even the twist at the end just feels like a tee-up for Halo 6 . For further reading, please click here   Aboutme.SubinFinance Aboutme.SubinEconomics Aboutme.SubinAdvertise Aboutme.SubinInvestment Abo...