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Aboutme.SubinFinance - Financial Bubble Burst in China

Aboutme.Finance Aboutme.SubinFinance Introduction About World Finance Scenerio:   World News: What China's bursting stock bubble means for the US economy   When the western eyes firmly focused on Greece, on the other side, World’s Second biggest economy is zooming with financial crisis . Yet it means that Chinese market is facing the real crash of the history, where stocks crashed and economic catastrophe is looming high.    A mere 30% fall in Chinese Stock Market , compared to roughly the entire gross domestic product of UK’s economy last year after the stock has almost doubled in a year or so, made the front paper of every dailies in the world.        Economic Development – 1929 in United States of America and China today seems same.  Chinese News: China embraces the markets Chinese Government is intervening to stem the panic, by packing off 290 companies who mistreated the ongoing trading system. Now t...