
Showing posts with the label lindy effect

Aboutme.SubinKnowledge - Wisdom Speaking 14 Books

Wisdom Speaking 14 Books ---- Here is what happened when I asked twenty-seven thousand people “What is page for page the book with the most wisdom you’ve ever read?” My thinking was, and still is, that you need to filter what you read. Reading, I mean really reading , is not simple. It’s time consuming. So aside from finding time and remembering what you read , you want to make sure you’re reading the right things. There are a few approaches to this filtering. One is to employ the Lindy Effect . But another approach that I use personally is, and this is really going to sound simple, to ask smart people what they’re reading, what they learned from, or, in this case, what book has the most page-per-page wisdom. The results are often surprising and I usually find one or two books that I’ve never heard of that offer a lot of value. For further reading, please click here Aboutme.SubinFinance Aboutme.SubinEconomics Aboutme.SubinAdvertise About...