
Showing posts with the label S & P 500


Sell USD/JPY at $144.056 Japanese Yen is getting stronger and more income is flowing now.  The base salary has jumped since 1995. Regular wages has increased by 1.8%. Total cash earnings has improved more than 2.5% in May'23 after a revised 0.8% in April'23. Inflation will stabilise near 2%, then nominal wages will increase to 3.5%. All the companies had already come up with 3.58% of wage hike.  Real wages has come down to 1.2% as inflation eats them up.  Household spending has declined to 2.5% below the median spending.  Month to month household spending were down by 1.1%, worse ghat last year which 0.5% up in April 2022. Advertisement Singapore Soap Click the link below to join Candle Making Classes : Click the link below to purchase or join Candle Making Classes :-

Aboutme.Profsubin: Trump Must Win The Election As He Will Help America Reach The Pinnacle Of Success.

Aboutme.Profsubin: Trump Must Win The Election As He Will Help America Reach The Pinnacle Of Success.   Trump victory will make America Great once more. Reason is that, America had already clipped China once for all. The economic blockage has made China reel through its pain. The deficit is already coming down plus American company will rule the world once more.  Trump is planning to make America as the new Manufacturing Hub. This investment will be coming in trillions plus will make more linkage with other world. This investment will make American boom again.   America is protecting the world, but not freely by paying back which will start to earn income for protection. Always America used to spend Billions of Dollars which is really a waste from the past President.  Medical bills started to come down as transparency in the medicine bills will make it to come down. This system will help the medical industry to pay less from the Government side, that means more ...

Aboutme.Profsubin: IMF Predicts A Gloomy Pics of World Economy 2019-2025

Aboutme.ProfSubin: IMF Predicts A Gloomy Pics Of World Economy 2019-2025 After 6 months into Pandemic Covid-19 outbreak, IMF predicts a gloomy pics of world economy. In the latest outlook published by IMF, viz., "World Economic Outlook" predicted a Global growth to -4.4% from -4.9% (June Updates).  Growth in 2021 looks not so rosy, whereas recovery will be uncertain, long & uneven.  Large countries will be running in deep recession, as US Economy will be contracting by 4% till UK will be contracting by 10% respectively.  This bump will be twice as deep of what has happened in 2009 crisis. Only country which will be showing positive growth is China by 1.9%. India will be shrinking to around 10.3%. Long term effects will be tantalising will be hindering growth too much.  When we compared 2019 growth with 2025, still all economies will be lagging behind.  Poor countries will be falling behind. Global growth will be 4.7% in 2025, which will be lower from 5.7% in...

Aboutme.profsubin: China Must Have Overtaken US Economy In Purchasing Power Parity

Aboutme.profsubin: China Has Overtaken US Economy In Purchasing Power Parity: Yes, maybe China has overtaken US Economy by purchasing power parity. Due to pandemic, whole global economy has come to an halt, which made China overtaken US Economy in purchasing capacity.  Economic Output of IMF has predicted Chinese Economy as the largest economy, now.  Chinese PPP is around US$24.2 trillion as compared to USA US$20.8 trillion. Economists has dropped the method used traditionally "Market Exchange Rate" method, which never depicts the real figure. This creates valuation of currencies below par with Dollar. PPP eliminates the differences in price levels and also compares purchasing power of each country that can buy. They came up with Big Mac Index where Dollar can buy not only in China, but can compare what they can buy in USA. In China, Dollar can buy double than Dollar can buy in USA, Confirm. Chinese Production Vs American Production: In 2019, China has produced 99 trillion Yu...

Aboutme.Profsubin: United States Market Will Be In Deep Green & Will Get More Profit

Aboutme.Profsubin: United States Economy is in Green, As all market flexes: 1. United States Market Will open in green. 2. The market will bounce back almost 200-300 points. 3. Every market has opened in green.  4. If system is favourable, the market will go up. 5. If System is not favourable, the market will end in red. 6. More good news is there, but when United States Market decides. 7. Future depends on best improvement in the economy provided by both upcoming Presidential Candidate  8. For best Advice on shares - Contact - Prof Subin - 7000188030.