Can A Diabetic Person Take Medical Insurance

Can A Diabetic Person Buy Health Insurance :

I'm going to tell a story. 

When I visited Mumbai, I just went to have dinner in a nice restaurant. Apart from that,  I was expecting a friend to come and meet me.  I asked the waiter to arrange the table for both of them.  I'm an Health Insurance Advisor at that time. 

A few minutes passes,  Ken along with his wife Jenny came to meet me. We ordered starter,  and was discussing about Ken's job.  Then we discussed about,  living life in Mumbai.  After that Ken asked me about my job and Started enquiring about "Health Insurance ". 

The features I explained them are -

You can avail medical benefit of Rs500,000 alone or both Ken & Jenny can use it.

If,  Rs500,000 medical benefit is availed,  the company will provide you another Rs500,000 at no Cost. 

You can have Cashless service in the recorded hospital,  whereas you can get payback, if the facilities, other than recorded hospital is not providing.

You can get paid of Medical Bills 2 months prior and get Medical Bills,   6 months after operation.

If No claims has been used after paying for 2 years,  you can double your Medical Benefits. 

You can be Active ( Walking,  Running, Swimming,  Doing Exercise)  by doing this,  also can avail Premium Deductions Also. 

Stay active and earn up to 100%
of premium as HealthReturns.

Double your Sum Insured in
2 claim free years.

Access to
Expert Coaches.

Coaching on nutrition, fitness
and dental consultation.

Mental wellness counselling,
homeopathy teleconsultation
Health Cover.

Modern Treatment methods covered.

Avail Cashless Home Treatment .

Get Premium Waiver in case of
detection of a critical illness

Day 1 cover for chronic illnesses
Expert health coach access.


I Gave Ken the brochure and he started deeply eyeing it and paused a bit. Then he put forward a question,  " Do I have to take a Medical Test?  "

I said, "Absolutely " and told them it's free of cost. 

Second question, " Do Jenny have to? "

I said,  "No" !

Then Ken looked at Jenny to confirm the policy. Jenny nodded him.

He gave me all the documents,  cheque,  and Jenny's documents.  I took photos and recorded in my tab.  After calculating,  the amount including GST came to be Rs18164. He wrote a cheque and presented to me.  

We scheduled to get the Medical done on the coming Saturday. I reaffirmed with our company. 

Then 3 of them immersed in our dinner,  and Ken plus Jenny bade me "Goodbye".

I ordered the waiter for a Hot Coffee.  Just behind me, a hissing sound came from nearby table. I looked back. 

A person sitting behind me asked,  " Do your insurance company provide policy for Diabetic patients ".

I said,  " Yes".

He was really shocked,  left the table and came, sat on the opposite chair. 

I took the brochure and showed him,  by pointing my finger at the note mentioned. 

His face began to glow,  started reading other important notes from the brochure. 

After reading all major points,  he said,  " why can't you drop  in my office,  tomorrow, after 12 PM. 

I asked him about the office address and the beloved location. 

Rest assured him to reach his office,  after 12 PM.  He really thanked me for educating him.

At that time, I came to understand my noble profession. 

Want to know about Diseases in India,  click below :-

You can contact me on 7000188030,or email me at " ". Also provide me your name,  Date of birth and mobile number,  so that I can call you back in my message box. 


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