Aboutme.Profsubin: Buy NVUS [Novus Therapeutics] At Current Price & Target is $48.51 Within 6 Months

 Aboutme.Profsubin: Buy NVUS [Novus Therapeutics] At Current Price & Target is $48.51 Within  6 Months

Novus Therapeutics Reports First Quarter 2020 Financial Results | Business  Wire

1. Buy Novus Therapeutics at $ 18 - 19/share.

2. First Target is $ 48.51/share. 

3. Head Quartered in Irvine, USA.

4. Operating income is - $12,687.

5. Basic EPS is -1.75.

6. Ebitda is expected to be - $12,504.

7. This company is the speciality Pharmeceutical company.

8. Work on disorder of Throat, Ear and Nose. 

9. OP0201 is a nasal drug device combination product for ear inflammation

10. Started a drug delivery system like OP0101 & OP0102 and deliver it in ear, nose and sinus Cavities.

11. For Advice on Best Shares:

Whatsapp/Call - +91 7000 188 030 [Prof Subin]


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