How To Start Business Education?

How To Start Business Education in School: 

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School is the area where the kids are getting molded, but we want good teachers to make them up-to-date. How to become a best teacher?

Answer is very simple. Keep your subjects in very easy manner and students must do research on it. "Keep It Simple and Straight" is the formula  I do approach.

What I did is a small experiment. My total class is around 40 students. We made them a group of 4 students each.

To see the Food Stall :

How To Start Business Education In School:

Then I told them studying the subject in the class will do no wonder. But doing practically at school, then imposing the project outside will give you or make you more access to subjects like Economics, Business Studies, Accounts, English Language usage, etc in the practical world will make you aware of what is going in this world.

The First Group was given a name "Group A". This group consists of 3 students. They first, started to bring in RS. 380 as capital each. So the total capital of three was 380+380+380=RS. 1140. With this they brought Jumping Juice, Chocolate and Potato Chips.

They put the price as Potato Chips + Chocolate as RS. 20 or Jumping Juice + chocolate as RS. 20.

To see the Video Of Food Stall:

They made the project and first, we made them check with the Accounts Teacher. Some rectification was made and Accounts work has been done. Then it's my turn to create the schedule and graph. They did it well.

The students presented it to the school management, they passed with full glory. Then came the next step.

Our next step is do "Advertisement". I asked students to make banners in a chart paper and go to every class. They did it and as we have a group of 100 teachers. But I did'nt rely more on thrm, as this projects are my "Crazy Thinking". Having more than 2000 students is a better market than having 100 teachers.

We arranged everything and fixed the date on 18th April, 2019.

How To Start Business Education In School:

On 18th April, Group A came with Jumping Juice, Chocolate and Potato Chips. Jumping Juice, we kept in the refrigerator and other kept it with them as they are in dry form.

Then I called the helper "Manoj" to make a Food Stall like concept with benches plus a small stand. He did his work in a fantastic manner. When we checked, it was looking like a "Food Stall". We named it as "Group A Start-Up". Class XI students meanwhile made a name chart, very special to us.

Interval Break is on 10.30 A.M. We prepared everything and waiting anxiously for the outcome.

As we did the advertisement in whole class very well, when the bell rang students sprank into the Food Stall, started purchasing it. Before that, we made a ribbon for inauguration, the eldest Sister in the school who is looking after the kids, did the inauguration. I gave her RS. 20 in her hand, and she did the first purchase.

Interval time is just 15 minutes. Students from the top floor and ground floor started pranking in Food Stall and heavy purchasing were going on. Within 12 minutes, we finished the sale. Wow, my first project was a success. Thank God, we did it.

Students then took the whole cash, counted it and got a profit of RS. 600, which means they got RS. 200 each.

After we made a small Interview with the press, which is also considered to be the best.

To see the video, click here:

This project is done to commemorate the Hon. Prime Minister of India, who has come up with "Make In India" campaign. This will surely boost the confidence of the students, may God wish to make them a good business-like, who will create India's future. Thank you.
Prof Subin


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