Increase Growth Rate - How???

India's growth rate has come down from 6.4% last year to 5.3% this year, which is an amazing fact. Where'as China has almost maintained the growth rate above 8%. How they maintained it and we faltered? The reason being, China is keeping up with the reforms whereas Indian Government were sleeping and was cosy with the success stories. Elections is far now and the policy government do is almost hampering the growth rate or else it will be creating a wide gap in the Current Account Deficit [CAD].

1. Food Security Bill: This bill is passed looking at oncoming elections, where the ruling government want to get majority. What is there in this bill? The major thing is that purchasing Wheat from the market at the price of Rs. 12.50/kg and giving it to the poor for least price of Rs. 1/kg. So what government is doing that it keeps the loss of Rs. 11.50/kg in their account, which they have to redeem it, or print more currency which is the power of RBI or Central Government. Apart from that, whether it will  reduce poverty. The basic funda is that if a country want to grow, all must work according to his labour and means. Here when you're providing 25 kgs of foodgrains for Rs. 25, who is going to work. Here shortage of labour will come? So, industries have to look for another options, like importing machinery. Here currency flows from the system outside, which will hamper the growth of the country.

From the foodgrain manufacture side, the farmer will not be producing it as he's going to get at a very cheaper rate. If not for the next 5 years means, the productivity of farm will decrease and India will bring foodgrain from outside. This means, India from producing country will become an importing country. Good Policy right.

2. E-governance: Full economy every week comes up with scams which is loosing billions of Rupees from the system. Apart from that every state is ruling according to its means, but not having the policies lied in align with Central policies. Roads, Railways, Ports, etc are yet to be upgraded according to world standard. We keep on improving to keep the trade growing. Apart from that politics always rule the roost in the state politics. If they must have concentrated on economics, i think Indian states will be more richer than other countries of the world.

3. Home Department is sleeping. Lot of rapes, killings, loot, theft and diverting land from farming to real estates etc will tarnish the image in outside world. Police, etc are working as servants to politicians, so right judgement is not possible.

4. We don't know what our Commerce Minister is doing? I feel he's sleeping as if, he made India No: 1 country in the world. When United States was fighting with recession, Prez Obama came to India and made contracts worth Billions to keep the country out. What our Prime Minister is Doing? Even in the G-20 summit, nothing highlight took place. Just wasted our tax money and enjoyed the trip.

Where India is having policies? Every election campaign lot of promises comes, nothing after that. People also adapted to the situation. No good roads, full of blocks, high petrol price, High onion price, Inflation is looming high, lot of things must be done. But when..................

CAT 2013; Yahoo News

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