How Economic Crisis Happens??????

Economic Crisis is not a password to be saved and blocked forever. But it happens when the whole world is in the grip of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization. This is the leverage put forward by the Western World with the help of IMF and WB to create profits for the conglomerate. First, this investment had happened in Asia like Asian Tigers with Indonesia, Malaysia, Phillipines, Japan, etc. They first took globalization seriously. To gain profit Foreign Institutional Investors and Foreign Direct Investors came in to invest. These groups the invested physically and other groups invested in shares. They invested and shares began to gallore. Some groups invested in Lands, some in building and others in assessories. The prices started to boom. Government too, started to relax and make more changes to bring investment competitively inside. Markets reached the highest point, Land prices too reached the peak, Shares boomed well.

At that time United States market started to move up. Investors started selling all the things what they have and started flowing out. Every investor always want to invest in United States market because it's the home of investments, but still the investors destroyed their market too. This started from 1998, where all investments from Asia shifted to markets like USA, Europe, Etc. There shares too started booming, leverages too started, land prices too increased and housing sector too are increasing. Lot of adjustments had been done by the government. This investors destroyed their markets with Sub-prime crisis and US market and Europe marked ended in Recession.

Now Investor started plying to India, China, Russia, South Africa and Brazil. Same things happened here too. Now the investors pulled out money from share market, Physical market and even in future will be moving out from the debt market. This will explode all the Brics market and these countries will end in recession.

Now once more United States Markets started to improve. Europe too, in the path of recovery. But for how long. No one is there to decide, none other than FII's and FDI's. But this people are making money out of it. Governments later became fools.

CAT 2013[Yahoo News]

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