Food Security Bill - A False Promise

Current Account Deficit [ie., difference between Revenue and Expenditure] is considered to be Rs. 5.4 lakh Crore. But this Food Security Bill will be taking the toil to around Rs. 50,000 Crore. So that the total will be Rs. 5.90 Lakh Crore.

Tax and Non-Tax Revenue of the Government is considered to be Rs. 10 Lakh Crore. So Rs. 50,000 Crore means 50,000/10,00,000 = 5% of the Total Tax revenue. Apart from that the Current Account Deficit is considered to be about 10%. 10% deficit means the Rupee will fall even further to almost Rs 75 per USD $1. This will bring Indian Economy back to 1991 era where the Rupee devalued, took loans from IMF and WB, Pledge Gold in the England Banks, Started Reforms. This will tarnish the image of India in International Market. All the Foreign Companies will be leaving India.

This Food Security Bill will be done by printing about Rs. 10 lakh Crores to Rs 15 lakh Crores by the Reserve Bank Of India. Automatically money supply will increase and inflation will crop up.

Government will be garnering almost 50% of the foodgrain produced in the country. Now they were buying about 40% of the total production. But if the production is high, that means we're not having enough food grains to be available in the open market. This will automatically increase the price of foodgrain in the open market, so tax payers will be paying more to get the same.

Siphoning of foodgrain will happen and the middle class will be having the more say.  Rs. 3 for Rice and Rs. 2 for wheat means no farmers will be interested to produce these in the coming years. That means the Government is breaking the backbone of Indian Economy. That means we're going to become an importer not exporter.

50 Million Metric Tonnes of foodgrain are passed to states and this never reaches their hand. This time more will be given and it will be floated to wrong hands. Is Govenment interested in Black Marketing?

According to current scenerio about 40% of the foodgrains are rotten. If more acquiring is taking place means we're to rot more than 60% of the produce. Who's going to benefit? Government or the rats in the Food Corporation of India.

According to recent scenerio, Government can't afford these policies as Current Account Deficit is high. So what will be the next move is to tax rich or the corporates. Wait and See. Where the money is going to come?

This policy is specially made to create India an importing country, not an exporting country. Because we're having an IMF economists ruling India. CAT 2013

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