Short/"Sell Euro" After Greece Gets the Austerity Funds

Euro-zone Management is in crisis right now. The Unemployment Rate of Europe is high as 11.8% in November 2012, which is considered to be very high. Unemployment Rate above 10% are considered to be dangerous. Europe is now managed and governed by none other than Germany, which creates problem to old rivals like United Kingdom, etc.

Greece is close to receive the balance part of the Austerity Fund, which is about 6.3 Billion Euro [USD$ 8.1 Billion]. But Greece is to cut lot of things to get it done. First, they've to cut about 4000 Civil Service Jobs in Greece, because they've to pay-back about 6.6 Billion Euro by mid-August. Apart from that they've to deploy 25,000 Civil Servants which includes 2000 Teacher's and 3500 Police Cops into the National Forces.

Portugal, another country which received bail-outs 78 Billion Euro [USD$ 102 Billion], but they've to put in austerity measures immediately. Credit Rating Agency already commented that it will degrading Portugal, due to political instability. Portugal is in recession for the last two years and the growth will contract to 3% this year. For Europe the investment theory is to keep it in " Sell" position till it recovers. It will be starting from 2015.

United Kingdom Monetary Policy to keep the Interest Rate same due to downfall of Inflation to 2%. They expect the Bank Rate will be growing by 2016. But whatever change the United Kingdom Finance Minister has got, he failed to do it. In the future, they have to toil hard to keep the economy moving.

" SELL EURO" to benefit from these investments.

Keyword:Euro Zone Management [Sell Euro]


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